an unrecognized country Somaliland faced a tremendous amount of dilemmas.
During the time that Somaliland was not being acquainted with the rest of the
world, it mugged some arduous struggles and strives in order to accomplish and
gain recognition from the worldwide. A dream does not become reality through
magic, in fact it takes dedication and determination. Thus Somaliland depicted
some tenacity and integrity during its time of suffering and pain. Furthermore,
without suffering there will be no compassion. Therefore, Somaliland should
unity (act as one), work together and shows some kind of coherence. One of the
major problems that Somaliland faced is deforestation. In fact, this is a real situation problem.
is basically the idea of cutting down trees and plants for economical innovations
and purposes. Mainly this is because the consumption of charcoal for creating
fire. In addition to that, it is also utilized for formulating wood, thus wood
can be made desks, tables and chairs. Nonetheless, according to Somaliland
cutting down trees is often used for making charcoal, thus there is not that
advantage in it after all.

dirty water triggered an incredible amount of infectious and contagious
diseases among the Somalilander's. Thus, many people faced a huge disaster and
misfortune. Many people got sick mainly because of these tropical diseases and
sicknesses. Even, the species on the water such as fish will die because the
water is polluted and contaminated. There will be an extreme extinction rated
and things will deteriorate for the most part.
viable solutions to combat these issues include first avoiding deforestation
and coming up with another alternative of making woods and charcoal. Second,
planting more trees to prevent erosion, soil erosion is the removal of top
soil. Top soil is the most fertile soil on earth and it has humus in it. Third,
using clean water is very beneficial and it saves the lives of hundreds and
thousands of people around the world. Drinking clean water is part of having
clean sanitation and hygiene and that is one of the fundamental rules of having
an organized community.
conclusion, growing up in Somaliland some of the biggest setbacks that thwarted
the country from being independent republic is unstable and chaotic elections
that are happening regularly. For the most part, the government of Somaliland
is corrupted with pandemonium and havoc. The idea of nepotism is very common
and familiar in Somaliland and that is one of the major obstacles that avert
Somaliland’s recognition. Additionally, violations occurring incongruously in
the country is very hazardous and devastating the prestige and the degnity of
the country.
responded this problem solution essay type question by using the plan-to-learn
strategy. In fact, this search query is very beneficial because it categorize
certain aspects of a country’s information into a cohesive manner. This helps
to find useful information in one place.
Somali Ecological Society (SES)
Somali Ecological Society (SES)